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Issue Documents
Document Upload/Delete Documents List Attached To This Issue


(Select File To Delete From List)
26791 - tbl_EDIMapControls.sql
26791 - tbl_EDIMaps.sql
EDI Control - Maps 2023-12-07 081529.png
EDI Control - Maps Editor Screenshot 2023-12-07 081634.png

Response History
Can View
 Note Status?ResponseAssigned ToPriorityStatus 
Monty Munro 2/27/2024 7:50:38 AM NO cust/vend lookup now functioning Julie Lopez Normal Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 2/26/2024 8:01:40 PM NO Monty Munro Normal Ready For Testing
Monty Munro 2/26/2024 4:35:44 PM NO Changeset 71721


- EDIMapCustVend.aspx
- EDIMapCustVend.aspx.vb

Nate - last changeset commit, this page didn't make it into the build
Nathan Palmer Normal Merge to 79/162
Monty Munro 2/19/2024 10:36:22 PM NO couple of issues with it, but serviceable. Ping me when you want a tour.

Starting point:
Julie Lopez Normal Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 2/19/2024 6:13:02 PM NO Monty Munro Normal Ready For Testing
Monty Munro 2/18/2024 6:55:01 AM NO Changeset 71646

- EDIMapControlsDictionary.aspx
- EDIMapControlsDictionary.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapControlsDictionary.aspx.vb
- EDIMapControlsEdit.aspx
- EDIMapControlsEdit.aspx.vb
- EDIMapCustVend.aspx
- EDIMapCustVend.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapCustVend.aspx.vb
- EDIMaps.aspx
- EDIMaps.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMaps.aspx.vb
- EDIMaps.css
- EDIMapsEdit.aspx
- EDIMapsEdit.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapsEdit.aspx.vb
Nathan Palmer Normal Merge to 79/162
Julie Lopez 2/5/2024 3:42:07 PM NO Checking in on is this coming along? Monty Munro Normal Re-Work
Monty Munro 1/9/2024 9:24:33 AM NO issues with build + add'l re-work req'd Monty Munro Normal Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 1/8/2024 6:04:53 PM NO Monty Munro Normal Ready For Testing
Monty Munro 1/5/2024 4:44:47 PM NO Changeset 71107

- EDIMapControls.aspx
- EDIMapControls.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapControls.aspx.vb
- EDIMapControlsDictionary.aspx
- EDIMapControlsDictionary.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapControlsDictionary.aspx.vb
- EDIMapControlsEdit.aspx
- EDIMapControlsEdit.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapControlsEdit.aspx.vb
- EDIMaps.aspx
- EDIMaps.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMaps.aspx.vb
- EDIMaps.css
- EDIMapsEdit.aspx
- EDIMapsEdit.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIMapsEdit.aspx.vb

- EDIControlsDictionary.aspx
- EDIControlsDictionary.aspx.designer.vb
- EDIControlsDictionary.aspx.vb
Nathan Palmer Normal Merge to 79/162
Julie Lopez 1/3/2024 8:42:28 AM NO Monty - checking into this - is there an update yet? Monty Munro Normal In progress
Monty Munro 12/7/2023 8:19:09 AM NO Item 1 and 1a have been completed (see attached SQL scripts)

Item 3 is moving along. I should have an initial changeset to submit soon (see initial screenshots)

Once that is done, I would like to schedule a review of the project and finalize ideas for Item 4
Monty Munro Normal In progress
Julie Lopez 12/6/2023 4:21:25 PM NO Checking in on this ticket Monty...have you had a chance to work on this? The feature I'm most interested in is #4 - being able to create a new map in one step.

This is a wish list project, so production/customer issues take precedent. Just wanted to check in on if you had anything cooking for this.
Monty Munro Normal Questions
Monty Munro 11/2/2023 12:05:34 PM NO Monty Munro Normal In progress