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Brian Cronin 4/12/2024 3:06:36 PM NO ok, thanks Dave. Waiting for Release Low Waiting for Full Rel
David Wilken 4/12/2024 2:57:22 PM NO Brian - this issue isn't really Pilot-specific. It's a bug with charge code descriptions containing embedded apostrophes causing an SQL error to be thrown. I fixed it in the latest changeset. Brian Cronin Low Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 10/11/2023 7:37:32 PM NO David Wilken Low Ready For Testing
David Wilken 10/11/2023 2:11:32 PM NO Changeset 70133

Nathan Palmer Low Merge to 79/162
Nick Schubert 10/10/2023 12:52:32 PM NO Dave - Low Priority. Need to make the change you suggested on the charge code description issue. I'm going to hold off on the ShipmentMilestone change for now. That appears to be a one-off issue.

1. 8/9/2023 3:18:54 PM - Allow apostrophes in the charge code description.
David Wilken Low Questions
Nick Schubert 10/10/2023 12:41:00 PM NO Disregard. I figured out the issue. Nick Schubert High Questions
Nick Schubert 10/10/2023 12:31:54 PM NO Dave - Omni is having an issue with the Consignee Ref # field.

Log into Omni Prod with my profile and run the Con Ref # saved layout. You will get another 'no data found' pop-up. Something is off with the consignee ref #. If you remove that data element the report runs fine.

I have narrowed down the issue to shipments with a Ready Date Range of 09/25/2023 - 09/25/2023. Something with one of the Consignee Ref #'s in one of these shipments seems to be an issue but I haven't been able to track it down.
David Wilken High Questions
David Wilken 9/19/2023 1:46:27 PM NO Nick,
Housebill 373164847 has two COB milestones (see 26484_OrderNo_100176695.png), this is causing the extract to error out.

This issue is very similiar to 26551, where it was returning more than one station on a zip.

The short-term fix would be to delete one of those entries from tbl_shipmentMilestones. The longer term fix is to add 'top 1' statements the milestone section of the extract query.
Nick Schubert Highest In progress
Nick Schubert 9/19/2023 9:43:59 AM NO Dave - There is another data issue, this time with milestones. On Pilot Prod, I have a global layout saved called 'WALMART MILESTONES'. If you try and run it with a ready date/range of 09/07/2023 - 09/07/2023 you always get no data found.

This appears to be an issue with the Milestones Data Element # 183. If you remove that data element, you can run the report. However, if you keep # 183 checked AND check the 'Include Milestones on separate row in the spreadsheet.' checkbox, it will allow you to run the report.
David Wilken Highest In progress
David Wilken 8/9/2023 3:18:54 PM NO A couple of shipments have a charge description with an apostrophe in it (951 - ADD'L LINES OF ENTRY). I'm almost positive this is causing the sql to error out and return no data.

I searched production and only found two shipments with a 951 charge code, both with a POD date of 7/6.

The short term fix is to remove the apostrophe from the charge description on the affected shipments (call it ADDL LINES OF ENTRY). I updated the shipments in Prod, and successfully ran the Extract for 7/6.

Long term is to fix the code to properly escape the embedded apostrophes in sql.
Brian Cronin Highest In progress
David Wilken 8/9/2023 1:43:52 PM NO I updated the charge descriptions on the 7/6 housebills, but still returns no data. Still investigating David Wilken Highest In progress
David Wilken 8/9/2023 11:41:40 AM NO Brian - see the attached spreadsheet. These are assessorials per day for the first week of July. There are some charge codes with multiple descriptions that might be the issue. The charge codes with standard description (i.e. matching the cost/charge table) are yellow, and the non-standard description are orange.

On 7/6, housebill 372061331 has an assessorial of '226 - HANDLING'. It should be '226 - IMPORT HANDLING FEE'. The extract tries to combine its results with the assessorials matching on code *and* description.

I think the other cases with multiple descriptions work because it tries to match on the the first code/desc it finds (which is a standardized '001 - FREIGHT CHARGES')
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Brian Cronin 8/9/2023 7:36:27 AM NO ok, that is good info. Please find out why it isn't running properly with that checkbox checked. It works for the other days, so there must be something wrong with at least one of the shipments on that day. David Wilken Highest Questions
David Wilken 8/8/2023 4:23:07 PM NO To further clarify, the MONTH_END export has the option 'Only Include Accessorials that have been used on the transactions being pulled in the spreadsheet' turned on by default. Brian Cronin Highest Open
David Wilken 8/8/2023 4:12:44 PM NO Brian - I do get data for POD date 7/6 - 7/6 when I uncheck the 'Only Include Accessorials that have been used on the transactions being pulled in the spreadsheet' option Brian Cronin Highest Open