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(Select File To Delete From List)
AWC2_Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout.xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8) (2).xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8).xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8)_updated.xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (9).xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (9)_updated.xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Update1.xlsx

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Brian Cronin 10/31/2023 8:29:39 AM NO Good catch Ray. Leave this alone for now. I will let you know if I need anything else. Setting to WFR for now. Waiting for Release Highest Waiting for Release
Ray Ciccone 10/30/2023 5:31:43 PM NO Combing through the submit code of the Consol\Confirmation.aspx page, the primary condition is to check if the status (the Status dropdown) is different from the FK_ConsolstatusId saved in the tbl_ShipmentAPAR (where Consolidation = 'Y').
If changed, it will iterate through the consol's shipments.
But not if adding the Event Date/time.

That's probably what happened for their test.

I can add a conditional check (so that either the status change or the event date/time is entered), compare to the tbl_ShipmentMilestone for status and EventDateTime and do a separate loop through the shipments for the milestone sequence.

If that makes sense, do you want that code updated?
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 10/30/2023 11:36:42 AM NO Reviewing the email screenshots. I finally realize the issue is from the Consol\Confirmation.aspx page that has a logic problem (and not the Mtracking pages).
Will reproduce and fix.
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 10/27/2023 10:04:02 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 10/27/2023 7:42:40 AM NO Ray - the changes you made worked fine, but they found something else they are questioning. I forwarded the email to you. Please review and keep me posted.

12/14 Release
Allstates TEST server

On test server
Housebill 80034820

Picked Up date/time is now before Arrived at pickup location date/time
Hit Submit.

It doesn’t change the actual Picked Up date/time but the message states the update was successful.

The logic for entering the On Demand 214 Status is now working properly so that is good to go."
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 10/20/2023 5:47:02 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 10/20/2023 5:32:35 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 10/20/2023 1:24:31 PM NO Changeset 70277



This should fix the issues.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 10/19/2023 4:45:31 PM NO I was able to reproduce in code locally. Looks like there is a problem with the latest logic for the 'Primary milestone'.
Close to solution.
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 10/19/2023 10:52:16 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 10/19/2023 10:50:40 AM NO Ray - We were able to confirm that this worked before that latest 12/14 release was installed on production. If you go to STAGING, you will see that it works.

Just wanted to let you know that whatever you changed must have affected teh on demand option only. Everything else looks ok so far.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 10/18/2023 11:09:34 PM NO I just sent them to you again. Let me know if you can see them. Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Ray Ciccone 10/18/2023 2:54:53 PM NO See attached TrackingSend214Test1.PNG.

I tried to reproduce. Is this the error you were referring to (I did not see the email with error)?
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 10/18/2023 10:40:50 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 10/18/2023 10:37:44 AM NO Ray - Please review and bill your time to this ticket. Please don't change anything, just tell me why first.

We have a process to send 'on demand 214s' on the tracking page. Sometimes, they need to do this on a history shipment. When this is the case, they will go to page 1 of the shipment and uncheck the history box...then go to the tracking page to send the on demand 214. It seems that if the shipment is part of a consolidation, they are receiving an error when doing this.

I forwarded you an email with the error they are getting. IT is from production. The latest 12/14 release was installed there this weekend.

HAWB 80035010

Here are 2 more they said they had issues with:

Can you please find out why and then we can come up with a possible solution?
Ray Ciccone Highest Questions
Brian Cronin 10/18/2023 10:36:01 AM NO Ray - Please review and bill your time to this ticket. Please don't change anything, just tell me why first.

We have a process to send 'on demand 214s' on the tracking page. Sometimes, they need to do this on a history shipment. When this is the case, they will go to page 1 of the shipment and uncheck the history box...then go to the tracking page to send the on demand 214. It seems that if the shipment is part of a consolidation, they are receiving an error when doing this.

I forwarded you an email with the error they are getting. IT is from production. The latest 12/14 release was installed there this weekend.

HAWB 80035010

Can you please find out why and then we can come up with a possible solution?
Ray Ciccone Highest Questions
Nathan Palmer 9/25/2023 7:08:34 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nick Schubert 9/25/2023 2:15:36 PM NO Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Ray Ciccone 9/21/2023 10:27:24 AM NO Should behave as expected. Nick Schubert Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 9/20/2023 5:57:36 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 9/20/2023 5:17:40 PM NO Changeset 69837



This corrects that message. Basically, the newer code from the last changeset had reverse logic.

thanks for testing
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 9/20/2023 4:46:12 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Nick Schubert 9/20/2023 3:58:49 PM NO Ray - Something doesn't seem right and it looks like I'm seeing the same thing you saw at the consol level at the shipment level. I'm trying to test with HAWB 14372. You may have to search for this on a Workflow board. Something weird is happening on default new and I can't find any of the new shipments I create when searching via airbill #.

I added the first milestone without any issues (X3).

Then I try to add AF and get the following message below even though AF comes after X3 in the seqno order. Same thing happens with X1 and D1.

'The primary milestone (AF - Picked up) cannot be after (X3 -LOR - Arrived at Pickup Location (X3)) primary milestone.'

Also, if I hit submit on the tracking page, I get the message below even though X3 is already logged.

'The primary milestone (X3 - arrived at pickup location) cannot be after (X3 -LOR - Arrived at Pickup Location (X3)) primary milestone.'

Please review. FYI - I wasn't doing this via status changes. I was manually updating each milestone, but it looks like the issue happens either way.
Ray Ciccone Highest Questions
Brian Cronin 9/20/2023 10:12:35 AM NO Nick - Please get this tested. Nick Schubert Highest Questions
Brian Cronin 9/6/2023 10:11:50 AM NO Nick - Let me know your thoughts on this one. If the 3 of us need to talk, let me know. Nick Schubert Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 8/23/2023 5:49:31 PM NO While preparing the screenshots (see below). I found and interesting conflict on the Consol=16268. the validation only fires if the status is updated. I would think we want to fire if status changed or not. I will need to update consol code.


Nick Schubert Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 8/23/2023 4:57:48 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 8/23/2023 8:23:40 AM NO Ray - Please test these 2 items again and then give me the 2 shipments you tested with. We are not 100% sure how to setup a test for these. Ray Ciccone Highest Questions
Brian Cronin 8/9/2023 3:52:19 PM NO Nick - Can you please give these 2 items a test and let me know how it goes? If you have any questions, let me know. Nick Schubert Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 8/9/2023 1:54:36 PM NO tested for Hawb=13943

tested for consol=16268 (which as 13943)
(had to update status 'X3 - arrived at pickup location' to checkbox 'Valid Status for Consolidation' as checked)
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 8/8/2023 6:29:37 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 8/8/2023 3:22:48 PM NO Changeset 69136


Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Brian Cronin 8/7/2023 4:50:33 PM NO Ray - another issue. Please review the email I forwarded you and take care of that as well.

"When processing an out for delivery transaction by way of a consolidation the prevent future dating logic is being bypassed.

Housebill 80032517
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 8/7/2023 9:53:47 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 7/28/2023 12:11:43 PM NO Ray - Looks like they found one more issue. Please review. Bill your time to this ticket.

From Allstates:
Housebill 80032327

There is still a hole in the logic.

1. An arrived a pickup location was entered for 7/24/2023 at 14:01
2. A Picked up transaction was entered for 7/24/2023 at 14:01
3. An arrived a pickup location was entered for 7/24/2023 at 14:12 – This should not have been allowed. You can’t arrive at pichup location after the shipment was picked up.

I checked the milestone table and they are correct.
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Brian Cronin 6/20/2023 4:06:03 PM NO Waiting for Release Highest Waiting for Release
Brian Cronin 6/20/2023 4:05:56 PM NO Nathan Palmer Highest Waiting for Release
Ray Ciccone 6/20/2023 4:03:15 PM NO Tested with Brian. Determined it was a browser cache issue (needed to be refreshed). Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 6/20/2023 2:15:07 PM NO back to you per my chat: "I just did it again. All I did was go to the tracking page, update the status from the dropdown, clicked submit, went to the board." Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 6/20/2023 2:05:34 PM NO For HAWB=3692042

I added 'Truckload Booked', submitted on MTracking1 successfully. ShipmentEdit refresh shows status updated.
Tested again with 'Truckload Dispatched'. submitted as expected.
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 6/20/2023 1:57:25 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/20/2023 1:56:05 PM NO Ray - Please test with 3692042 - It didn't work for me when I tried it. You can see that the status is blank on that shipment right now. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 6/20/2023 1:38:45 PM NO Tested on stage-B. See screenshots:

Tested HAWB=7235474 MTracking1 page:
Added 'Pick Up Agent Alerted' status. It submitted successfully.

See StageB_7235474_shipmentEdit_test1.PNG.
The status was updated to 'Pick Up Agent Alerted' status.

Is that OK?
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 6/20/2023 1:22:23 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/20/2023 1:21:05 PM NO Same problem in the 12/14 release at Omni. Back to you. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 6/19/2023 5:38:31 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 6/19/2023 5:18:08 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 6/19/2023 4:56:39 PM NO Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 6/19/2023 4:46:50 PM NO 2 changesets for both 12/14 and 162 versions

Changeset 68469

Changeset 68470
Nathan Palmer Highest Needs to be Merged
Ray Ciccone 6/19/2023 3:37:45 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/19/2023 3:31:26 PM NO Ray - Per our conversation:

Omni Stage B - Latest 12/14 release

HAWB: 7235474

If you change the status on tracking tab and click submit, the milestone gets update and the tracking notes write, etc. - BUT, the status is getting wiped out.

Reminder: They use MTracking1.aspx

Please fix ASAP.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 6/13/2023 4:01:34 PM NO see screenshots:


for the last part:
"No EDI214 Out for delivery generated, Not Correct."

So, if they're saying no EDI214 out was not generated. Is that correct?

I logged to Allstates test, checked logs and ran some queries.
Select * From Tbl_EDI214Out where FK_OrderNo = 1699058 and NewStatusId = 'X1'
Select * from tbl_EDI214Header Where FK_OrderNo = 1699058 And FK_StatusId = 'X1'

See 80025736_EDI_data.PNG. It shows that the tbl_EDI214Out was populated. After job run, then the tbl_EDI214Header was populated.
Does That make sense? Thanks
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 6/13/2023 1:32:56 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/13/2023 12:55:10 PM NO Ray - they found another issue. Please look at the email I sent you. 12/14 release. Allstates TEST. Please let me know if you have any questions.

HAWB 80025736
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Brian Cronin 6/7/2023 3:51:29 PM NO ok. thanks Ray. I let them know and just waiting on them to test. Brian Cronin Highest Waiting on Feedback
Ray Ciccone 6/7/2023 3:29:05 PM NO Working with Julie, investigated the AddEDI214 function and the relationship between the tbl_EDI214Out table and the tbl_EDI124Header table. The culprit was the EDI setup for the test server and the job 'CSA-OutgoingEDI214' SQL job.

On the test SQL server, found the err log for job, it was failing because the c:\EDIFILES\214\5387\ was missing, Julie suggests that the perhaps the EDI setup was not done for the 5387. I added the folder and ran the CSA-OutgoingEDI214 job and the tbl_EDI214Header records were created, and it then created the edi file.

I would say the latest WorldTrak code is working as expected at this time.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 6/7/2023 12:12:33 PM NO Ray - the problem isn't with the tracking note. The problem is that NONE of the entries were written to the tbl_edi214header table. This worked before your change. It has to be your change that caused this issue. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 6/7/2023 12:02:42 PM NO looking for clues, see attached:
from allstates_test.

From MTracking page code and inspecting the AddEDI214 function call. AddEDI214 writes to tracking notes table.

The screenshot 80026101_TrackingNotes.PNG shows (circle highlighted) that EDI214 wrote these notes (which is from the code in function AddEDI214).

What I added in MTracking page code was the CheckSequence call before each AddEDI214 call (there are about 8 different AddEDI214 calls within a submit). The CheckSequence uses the same status and datetime that is passed to the AddEDI214 function.

If it catches a validation, then it will exit. so based on my testing and what Allstates tested, I believe it is working as expected, no variables used, it actually just checks the milestone sequence and exits only, if passes the AddEDI214 code should fire.

From the 80026101_TrackingNotes.PNG screenshot, it appears the AddEDI214 functions fired as expected based on the tracking notes (UserId=EDI214).

Also see 80026101_TrackingNotes_EDI.PNG. Those tracking notes appears to be written showing the status/milestones from what I can tell in an expected sequence?

I sincerely hope this makes sense. Perhaps the OutgoingEDI214 job needs to be investigated.
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 6/7/2023 11:00:16 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/7/2023 10:53:43 AM NO Ray - Please review and reach out to me if you have any questions:

HAWB: 80026101 on Allstates TEST - 12/14 release.

From them:
"This shipment started out as EDI received so all milestones were entered from scratch.
All date/time logic was tested and worked as expected.

However, when I finished testing I ran the OutgoingEDI214 job and no EDI214 transactions were generated for any of the milestones.
Please note the customer number is 42097 on this shipment but I had the same results for 80026062 and that one is 42095."

From me: I THINK the issue might be the fact that when they first updated the POD info, they got the error - GOOD - BUT - when they updated the POD info again with the correct info, maybe your variable isn't getting reset and thus preventing it from being added to the edi214header table.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 6/6/2023 2:15:44 PM NO Merged to test and 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 6/6/2023 12:20:21 PM NO Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Nathan Palmer 6/6/2023 12:20:19 PM NO Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 6/6/2023 12:10:23 PM NO 2 changesets:

For 12/14:
Changeset 68237

For 162:
Changeset 68239

Because of sync issues with code, have 2 changesets for each version.
Nathan Palmer Highest Needs to be Merged
Brian Cronin 6/5/2023 1:47:51 PM NO Ray - the issue is that even though it will not update the status to delivered (GOOD), it is still writing a record to the tbl_EDI214Header table and thus generating an outgoing 214 to the customer. That is wrong because the status is NOT changing to DEL. Please find out why it is writing to that table and don't call that routine if you sense the sequence issue. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 6/5/2023 12:38:02 PM NO Asked for exact steps. Brian Cronin Highest Waiting on Feedback
Ray Ciccone 6/5/2023 12:29:20 PM NO Tested on

see screenshots:

This screen shows setting to delivery with an earlier datetime.

This shows popup warning as expected

I have the shipment page refreshed and it shows correctly the previous status as expected without update.

Is the problem that on the tracking page that is it still shows the 'Delivered' at the current status after you click ok on the popup warning?

I even tested with setting the POD datetime and it appears to me to work as expected.

Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 6/5/2023 10:00:09 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/3/2023 6:45:20 AM NO Latest 12/14 was installed.

STill a problem with #2 when updating from the tracking page:

from Allstates TEST:

Housebill 80025844

First added Out for delivery on 3/14/2023 @ 12:00 – Correctly receive date error

Next added Out for delivery on 3/22/2023 @ 12:00 – Good

Next added Delivery on 3/22/2023 @ 11:00
Correctly receive date error
Current status went to delivered – Not correct
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 6/2/2023 2:34:03 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 6/2/2023 12:52:37 PM NO 12/14 version

Changeset 68205


Will have separate changeset for 162 since the files are different. thanks
Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Ray Ciccone 6/2/2023 9:33:00 AM NO Will do. Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 6/2/2023 6:54:48 AM NO Ray - Please review:

a. ok.
b. ok.

2. ok from shipment entry...BUT, if you do it from the shipment import, it doesn't update the status or the milestone- good, but it still accepts the POD name/date/time and updates the shipment. It should have given the same warning as it does from shipment entry. See the attached sheet I used:

AWC2_Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout.xlsx

I have since reset the shipment back to what it was so you can test with it if you want.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 6/1/2023 4:58:48 PM NO All testing is good.

I tested items 1 and 2 below on Allstates test. checked milestones to test.
Now it will look at the 'ignore' flags for the bound milestones.

For item 2:
"HAWB 80025797 - X1 - move to D1 - 03/21 at 0900 - got the warning - GOOD. BUT - it changed the status to D1 - This was an issue before. Why is it still happening? It also wrote to the 214 header table - which caused a 214 to go out."

Warning popped up and went back to update shipment and the status did not get updated. I queried the tbl_EDI214Out table and it did not write to that table.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 6/1/2023 2:51:16 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 6/1/2023 2:35:37 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 6/1/2023 10:48:36 AM NO Changeset 68184

After testing updated code to catch POD delivery scenario
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 6/1/2023 8:25:00 AM NO I'm checking the 12/14 code and test locally and on 162 to reproduce the issues. Should be done the morning.
Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 5/31/2023 7:26:48 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 5/31/2023 7:16:21 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 5/31/2023 6:02:08 PM NO Changeset 68173


Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 5/31/2023 2:32:59 PM NO For item 1, I know why that's happening. The code checks the changed status for the ignore validation but does not exclude others in the bound milestones for the shipment. I can fix that. Have to apply the ignore against all the bound milestones.

Item 2, I'm researching. Looking for when the validation fires, should exit the submit, but it's not. getting close.
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 5/31/2023 2:02:35 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 5/31/2023 1:58:41 PM NO Ray - 2 issues:

Allstates TEST - 12/14 release. Please do NOT change any logic until you explain why.

1. 2 examples:

a. HAWB 80026062 - AA - set for 'ignore seq' - changed to X3 03/22 at 0900 - it is telling them it can't be before the AA - why?

b. HAWB 80026055 - X3 - move to AF - GOOD - AB - set for 'ignore seq' - GOOD - X1 - 03/29 at 1100 - get the message that it cannot be before the AB - Why?

2. HAWB 80025797 - X1 - move to D1 - 03/21 at 0900 - got the warning - GOOD. BUT - it changed the status to D1 - This was an issue before. Why is it still happening? It also wrote to the 214 header table - which caused a 214 to go out.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 5/31/2023 10:44:32 AM NO test file:
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8) (2).xlsx
This file only has 'Shipment status' and event date

Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 5/31/2023 10:27:59 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 5/31/2023 7:15:58 AM NO Ray - I installed the shipment import tweak on Allstates TEST. Please test this first thing today and let me know your results before 10am this morning as I have a call with them today at 10. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 5/30/2023 4:22:36 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 5/26/2023 1:41:01 PM NO Changeset 68144


Testing has been good on Allstates Test, however, an update for the ImportShipment.aspx.vb did not make it to 12/14 version. thanks
Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Nathan Palmer 5/25/2023 6:23:07 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 5/25/2023 6:13:36 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 5/25/2023 5:42:17 PM NO see changeset 68136 for ticket 26023 Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 5/25/2023 11:15:36 AM NO after testing on allstates test:
I need to update the CheckSequence logic to sift through the multiple Milestones with the same status (like booked, testing with HAWB=80101231 for prevent future date) to sift the correct one. I'll keep testing, and incorporate in new changeset today. The actual data has helped me see this. the logic was sifting based on shipmode but should also look at service level. getting there. thanks
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Nathan Palmer 5/24/2023 7:05:46 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 5/24/2023 2:42:14 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Nick Schubert 5/24/2023 1:14:29 PM NO Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 5/23/2023 5:02:21 PM NO see changeset 68082 for ticket 26023 Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 5/17/2023 5:46:24 PM NO I realize how to make it work without the extra required columns. If they are not in the file, I can look up those values for an existing HAWB and proceed with validation.

Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 5/17/2023 4:14:03 PM NO Ray - after you fix the Pilot ticket, we can discuss this. I'm running an update to this shipment...not an add. All of the info that you state you need is on the shipment itself.

Again, let's talk before you do any more with it.
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 5/17/2023 1:54:10 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 5/17/2023 1:52:53 PM NO For both files, need to add the columns for 'Service' and 'ShipmentMode'. The lookup and logic for the milestones for the sequence needs to have those parameters. These are the five it needs:
1 - Shipment Status
2 - Event Date/Event Time
3 - Housebill
4 - Service (level)
5 - Shipment Mode

I updated those files, see attached:

Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8)_updated.xlsx
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (9)_updated.xlsx

When run, it does show error message:
see ImportTest_80029287.PNG

However, I noticed a different issue for the item 3 below (for BK). I need to update the logic to grab the correct status name. By chance the milestones for HAWB 80101231 had 2 preventfuture checks and caught the first one (alerted) instead of the BK. So, it worked. but needs to be more specific. I can fix that today. In fact, for the BK test, the eventdate and time have to be ahead of current, in which case the time originally was earlier this morning (so that was a good test as well)

Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 5/17/2023 10:08:05 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 5/17/2023 8:12:26 AM NO I installed on Allstates TEST on 05/17/2023.

Ray 2 issues:

1. Same #1 from below from 4/20/2023 1:08:49 PM...just tested it on TEST:

HAWB 80029287 on TEST. Look at the event date/time for this milestone:

LOR - Arrived at Delivery Location (X1)

It is after the event date/time for the delivery milestone:

LOR - Delivered (D1)

I did this via a shipment import. Please add your logic to the shipment import so it works like shipment entry and prevents them from doing it.

This is the spreadsheet I tested with:

Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (9).xlsx

2. from below: 4/20/2023 1:08:49 PM - This is ok.

3. There is a problem with the future date logic.

HAWB 80101231
I changed the status to BK with a date/time that was into the future. It took the update instead of stopping me.

File I tested with is attached:
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8).xlsx
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Brian Cronin 5/17/2023 8:11:35 AM NO I installed on Allstates TEST on 05/17/2023.

Ray 2 issues:

1. Same #1 from below from 4/20/2023 1:08:49 PM...just tested it on TEST:

HAWB 80029287 on TEST. Look at the event date/time for this milestone:

LOR - Arrived at Delivery Location (X1)

It is after the event date/time for the delivery milestone:

LOR - Delivered (D1)

I did this via a shipment import. Please add your logic to the shipment import so it works like shipment entry and prevents them from doing it.

2. from below: 4/20/2023 1:08:49 PM - This is ok.

3. There is a problem with the future date logic.

HAWB 80101231
I changed the status to BK with a date/time that was into the future. It took the update instead of stopping me.

File I tested with is attached:
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8).xlsx
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Brian Cronin 5/17/2023 7:25:51 AM NO I installed on Allstates TEST on 05/17/2023. There is a problem with the future date logic.

HAWB 80101231
I changed the status to BK with a date/time that was into the future. It took the update instead of stopping me.

File I tested with is attached:
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Layout (8).xlsx
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 5/16/2023 9:26:31 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 5/16/2023 11:30:41 AM NO For 12/14

Changeset 67953


The change for ImportShipment.aspx.vb is very similar to 162 with filled in gap for EventDate. The sequence validation requires these five columns:

Shipment Status
Event Date/Event Time
OrderNo derived from Housebill
Service (level)
Shipment Mode
Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Ray Ciccone 5/11/2023 7:08:18 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 5/11/2023 11:53:21 AM NO Per our conversation: figure out the merge issues and let Nate know so we can get this fixed. Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Brian Cronin 5/10/2023 6:45:53 PM NO Ray - Please hold and talk to me about this tomorrow. This code was working perfectly for them. The only thing I asked you to add was the shipment import logic and the small issue in #2. Need to talk first.

Please reach out to me in the morning.
Ray Ciccone Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 5/10/2023 5:42:41 PM NO For item 1, the code for the ImportShipment.aspx.vb is very out of sync for 12/14. Some of the new functions I added are there, however, for the submit and the validations are missing. I'll have to do a new changeset to add the missing validation code that is necessary. Take more time to compare the code with the 162 code and fill in the missing pieces.

Item 2, appears to work (I used HAWB=3423955)
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 5/5/2023 4:02:00 PM NO I have not tested this yet. Was caught up troubleshooting 26023. Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 5/5/2023 8:30:02 AM NO Ray - Allstates TEST - 12/14 release. I want you to test both of these items (1 and 2 from the issue manager entry by me on 4/20/2023 1:08:49 PM) over there and give me the test results. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 5/3/2023 6:03:37 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Brian Cronin 5/3/2023 8:51:19 AM NO 1. ok
2. ok.
Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Ray Ciccone 5/2/2023 9:47:37 AM NO Works as expected Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 4/28/2023 5:55:54 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/28/2023 3:23:52 PM NO Changeset 67705


From other testing, fixed a small bug
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 4/28/2023 11:26:41 AM NO From local testing and 162 testing the newer code is catching the validation early. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 4/27/2023 5:01:16 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/27/2023 4:00:18 PM NO Changeset 67683

Addresses item 2
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 4/27/2023 11:18:38 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/26/2023 6:16:28 PM NO ok, sounds good Ray. Thank you. Please adjust the logic and then test and let me know how it goes. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 4/26/2023 3:10:45 PM NO From item 2 research:
Like most of these upgrades, the biggest hurdle is where to place the new code. For the MTracking submit process, there is much code (older) that fires. Where I put the current Event Date/Time Sequence code is farther down the submit process. I discovered I can put that code preceding the bulk of the other code (like 214, etc). I believe this should correct the problem. Essentially this code checks the milestone sequence and shows popup message and exits.
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 4/26/2023 12:11:04 PM NO Used attached:
Worldtrak - ImportShipments - Update1.xlsx
to test.
See screenshot for results.

Note, I only can get this to work for updates.

Needed to add the 'bindMilestones' functionality as well for the logic to work.

Still working on item 2.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 4/25/2023 7:58:17 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/25/2023 5:29:32 PM NO Changeset 67634

This changeset addresses item 1 below.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 4/24/2023 5:21:49 PM NO This update to the import, has a bit more work involved. Need to add the 'bindMilestones. functionality as well. Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 4/24/2023 11:19:50 AM NO I apologize for not responding on the question before, will address. Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 4/24/2023 10:33:07 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/22/2023 6:09:33 AM NO Ray - Please make this your top priority on Monday. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 4/20/2023 1:08:49 PM NO on 01/21/2022 - I asked this, but I never saw a response from you:

3. Shipment Import - You can specify an event date/time here. If the status is also specified, are you invoking your logic if the mod is turned on?

Looks like we are not accounting for the logic on this ticket and also the primary seq logic.

Please review:

1. HAWB 80027599 on production. Look at the event date/time for this milestone:

LOR - Arrived at Delivery Location (X1)

It is after the event date/time for the delivery milestone:

LOR - Delivered (D1)

They did this via a shipment import. Please add your logic to the shipment import so it works like shipment entry and prevents them from doing it.

2. Tracking Page - the primary seq# logic that you looked into last week is working great, but they did find 1 issue:

When the user puts in the POD Name/Date/Time and tabs off, it auto checks the delivered checkbox. This is by design. When they do this out of sequence, you stop them with your logic - GOOD - BUT, it is sending the outbound 214 EDI message. It should NOT be doing that. The trigger is the checkbox, so you just need to look at that logic and propose a solution. You might need to talk to Julie for a minute as well. Please don't change it until we agree on a solution.

Bill your time to this ticket.
Ray Ciccone High Re-Work
Brian Cronin 4/12/2023 12:11:03 PM NO we are good for right now. Brian Cronin Highest Waiting for Release
Ray Ciccone 4/12/2023 11:01:47 AM NO Sorry for the snafu. I updated the milestones:
The order of these milestones on test as the following:
X3 - APL - 1
AF - PU - 2
X1 - OFD - 3
D1 - DEL - 4
For PrimaryMilestoneSequence

Tested with HAWB=80025136

And it works as expected (popup warning shows)
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/12/2023 10:36:06 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/12/2023 9:28:23 AM NO Thanks Ray! I still think we are going to have to make a few changes after I explain this to them. I will let you know...but I do have a quick question: Is there a reason as to why you set the primary seq to 1 on both of those milestones? I would think they would have been something like this:

Allstates has 4 primary milestones X3 (arrived at pickup location), AF (Picked up), X1 (Out for Delivery) and D1 (Delivered).

The order of these milestones is the following:
X3 - APL - 1
AF - PU - 2
X1 - OFD - 3
D1 - DEL - 4
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 4/11/2023 4:22:00 PM NO Well, I chased my tail on this, but finally have the existing solution.

In ticket 25069 we implemented column PrimaryMilestoneSequence from tbl_Milestone.

To test, I updated the 2 milestones:

I then tested the scenario, see:

On submit, you do get the warning:
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 4/6/2023 5:42:17 PM NO Digging into code, and testing locally to replicate and trap.
I believe because POD update sets the 'Delivered' flag with the status sets to 'DLV' and on submit, it does not hit the 'CheckMilestoneEventDateTimeSequence' code. It's a unique data situation, however, I'm still trying to flush out the cause.
Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Ray Ciccone 4/6/2023 4:11:12 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/6/2023 3:02:25 PM NO Ray - No...The issue is this:

It is allowing users to update the delivered milestone before the out for delivery milestone. Need to know why.
Ray Ciccone Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 4/6/2023 2:15:41 PM NO I researched HAWB=80025136

See attached screenshots:

Test_80025136_TrackingMilestone_1.PNG shows tracking page the 'Dispatched for Pickup' is out of sequence.
Test_80025136_TrackingMilestone_2.PNG also shows for the 'In Transit' as well. Both are out of sequence, is that what you're referring to?

Both of those milestones are marked "Ignore Event Date/Time Sequence Logic?"

See screenshot for SQL "Test_80025136_Milestones_SQL_1.PNG" for the data sequence ordered by 'EventseqNo'. That flag 'IgnoreEventSequenceLogic' is the culprit. The tracking code will ignore its placement for those milestones. We added this feature about a year ago (below).
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 4/6/2023 11:14:23 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/6/2023 10:47:26 AM NO Ray - I have a specific example for you to look at now. Please review:

I forwarded you an example as well. You can ignore the production example because they had to fix it. I thought you would want to see the screenshot though.

It is allowing users to update the delivered milestone before the out for delivery milestone.

Here are some housebills in the test system you can test with.


Why is it allowing it? There is a customer specific milestone setup for service level for LT, but it doesn't appear to be picking up the fact that the OFD status/milestone is required before it. They have other milestones setup this way and it works.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 3/31/2023 9:15:23 PM NO Thanks Ray. I do think something is wrong, but I have asked them for more details. I will keep you posted. Brian Cronin Highest Waiting on Feedback
Ray Ciccone 3/31/2023 2:51:25 PM NO I found this perplexing. I queried both the tbl_TrackingNotes and tbl_ShipmentMilestone tables.

The tracking page uses the logged in user which appears to be 'CMAJORS'. The results shown at the bottom of the tracking page (shown in email screenshot) is from the tbl_ShipmentMilestone table.

The other screenshot (which seems to be the '8:00' time is from the tbl_TrackingNotes table which shows the 'EDI214' userid.)

I don't see how that tracking note is related to this ticket. The extra clue is from the tracking note format begins with "214 Customer Status sent ..." digging into the code, would appear to be done from 'EDI214' other function called 'Process214EDI' out of EDI214OTransactions'.

My conclusion, these are separate unrelated transactions.
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 3/31/2023 1:12:05 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 3/31/2023 12:07:13 PM NO Ray - Please review the email I sent you on this. It is hot, but I forgot to send it to you when it first came in. Please let me know what you find. Just need to know why it allowed it and then we can go from there.

bill your time to this ticket.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 4/22/2022 6:09:43 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Brian Cronin 4/22/2022 4:13:00 PM NO will have to complete testing on Allstates TEST Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Brian Cronin 4/21/2022 3:46:32 PM NO Testing going ok so far. Need to finish. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/21/2022 12:00:15 PM NO Tested:


Behave as Misc.aspx
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/21/2022 10:03:17 AM NO testing Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 4/21/2022 8:37:42 AM NO Ray - Please test this first thing today and then flip to me if it looks good. Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 4/20/2022 6:17:26 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/20/2022 4:40:31 PM NO Changeset 61663

This updates the rest of the consol pages with the code that is used in Misc.aspx
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 4/20/2022 12:40:58 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/20/2022 8:42:24 AM NO Ray - Please let me know how your testing is going on this and how much time you think you have left to complete this. Please let me know before 10am if at all possible today. I have a call with them at 10 and I know they will be asking about this. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 4/19/2022 6:20:47 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/19/2022 12:48:47 PM NO Changeset 61630

After testing, adjustment.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Nathan Palmer 4/18/2022 5:32:07 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 4/18/2022 5:21:14 PM NO Changeset 61613


This changeset is for the Misc.aspx page per the request to test.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 4/14/2022 3:53:24 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/14/2022 3:25:32 PM NO Ray - sounds like you are close, BUT - Allstates will not have control flag 1205 set to 'Y'. 99% of our customers will not have that flag set to 'Y'.

It should be conditioned on 2014 being set to 'Y'.

If you have questions about where to put it in the code, I suggest you ask Dave F. or Manisha.
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Ray Ciccone 4/14/2022 3:03:49 PM NO Investigating code for the consol pages, they have a common block of code. It checks if the CF1205='Y' (Workflow - Drive Milestone Updates By Category (Y/N)) and then will do the 'AddUpdateMilestone...' function.

So, within that block, I can put in the call for 'CheckMilestoneEventDateTimeSequence' (if the newer CF2014='Y' as well)

Does that sound right?
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 4/13/2022 10:26:52 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 4/11/2022 4:20:18 PM NO Ray - this has been working out for them really well. They found an issue with it though.

On the consolidation update page, you can change the status of the consolidation...which, in turn updates the status of the shipments on the consolidation - which also updates the milestone if nec.

On the consol page, you can also specify the event date/time. Your logic is not taking this into account.

IMPORTANT - Please talk to Nick or me before starting this. We might have to change multiple consolidation pages for this and I want to make sure you understand.

Bill your time to the original task.
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Brian Cronin 3/30/2022 7:33:08 AM NO Installed at Allstates TEST. I think it is ok now. Will ask them to test. Brian Cronin Highest Waiting on Feedback
Nathan Palmer 3/29/2022 4:36:37 PM NO Merged to test and 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 3/29/2022 4:20:23 PM NO Changeset 61257


Tested with HAWB=10582, see screenshot HAWB_10582_test1.PNG

On 162, when update POD date and check delivered and then submit.

Because the POD date (3/25/2022) is after the ScheduleDate of (03/24/2022) it will fire the message (CF1164='Y') "Warning, delivery is late."

Then the CheckMilestoneSequence code will find that it is before the 'On-Hand Origin' milestone, it will then try to load another 'out of sync' message; but I found that it doesn't load because it conflicts with the previous one (had the same message key/copy paste issue).

I duplicated this on my local project code. I made small change, and re-tested and then both messages fired and showed as expected.

Once Nate merges changes, I can do a test to verify change works.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/29/2022 12:55:11 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 3/29/2022 12:44:12 PM NO Ray - Per our conversation: Back to you.

The 'out of sequence' error should take precedence over the 'delivery/pod is late' message. If you can show both, that is fine, but don't spend a lot of extra time on it.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nick Schubert 3/29/2022 9:20:07 AM NO Brian - I think this one is okay now. Based off their example, they were trying to update the shipment to delivered but the milestone time was before the previous milestone, so it was not passing. I updated the shipment to delivered with a time after the previous milestone and it passed. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Brian Cronin 3/29/2022 8:29:10 AM NO Nick - Can you please install on Allstates TEST and let me know how it goes? Nick Schubert Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 3/28/2022 6:39:31 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 3/28/2022 6:34:50 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/28/2022 5:34:42 PM NO Changeset 61222


Reviewed code and flushed out a few more logic issues. This update does clean up some problems. I tested the recent scenarios as well. I'm confident this should fix the latest
"update the milestone even though it updated the POD name, date, time, status, delivered flag." issue.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/28/2022 12:04:40 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 3/28/2022 11:18:04 AM NO Found a kink when updating the delivered milestone. Please look at the email I forwarded you and then please talk to Nick or me about this before proceeding.

Bottom line, they received a warning that the POD was late...which is fine, but then it didn't update the milestone even though it updated the POD name, date, time, status, delivered flag.

HAWB 3138735 on TEST.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 3/26/2022 7:32:56 AM NO Nick installed on Allstates TEST on 03/25 and tested. It looks good, but he found 1 thing and I found 1 thing that might need to be adjusted.

For now, we are good. I have asked Allstates to test.
Nathan Palmer Highest Waiting for Release
Nick Schubert 3/25/2022 4:14:24 PM NO Brian - per our conversation, everything looks good, but we may need to edit the error message. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 3/25/2022 3:36:29 PM NO Merged to test and 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 3/25/2022 12:37:26 PM NO Changeset 61185


The problem seems to be where the 'Status' is derived. It is different between the top of the page dropdown versus the milestone grid and when you click update. That is not the Status, but rather the 'Description'. Also, when the milestones and added in the setup; the data can vary as well. Anyway, I discovered that and adjusted the code.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/25/2022 10:08:14 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Nick Schubert 3/25/2022 9:19:37 AM NO Ray the change you made looks good but now there is one other issue. The milestone logic appears to be working in reverse.

HAWB 3140045

Milestone 'X3' has an event time of 03/23/2022 8:00 when I try to update 'X1' to any time after 03/23/2022 at 8:00 I get the following message:

'The date/time of milestone (LOR - Arrived at Pickup Location (X3)) cannot be before/same as the date/time of the (Delivered-LOR - Arrived at Delivery Location (X1)) milestone'.

This is incorrect. 'X3' is before 'X1' in the milestone sequence so I should be able to update 'X1' with today's date as an example and the milestone should record successfully. This was working yesterday so you may need to review the changeset from last night.
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 3/24/2022 6:55:34 PM NO Merged to test and 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 3/24/2022 6:04:15 PM NO Changeset 61169


Found another logic wrinkle that is fixed when comparing the delivered milestones
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Nick Schubert 3/24/2022 4:14:52 PM NO Ray - flipping back to you per our conversation. Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 3/24/2022 2:49:44 PM NO Merged to test and 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Ray Ciccone 3/24/2022 10:47:07 AM NO Changeset 61162

Was able to reproduce error locally. Needed to add row count check on latest change to the CheckMilestoneEventDateTimeSequence function in code.
Sorry about that
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/24/2022 10:03:57 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 3/24/2022 8:01:55 AM NO Ray - Found another issue. Allstates TEST:

HAWB 3140045

Go into this shipment and update the POD Name, Date, Time and check the delivered box. Click submit. You get the error below.

Please fix this ASAP.

Note 1: This happens on other status updates from the tracking page as well - for example: Try changing the same shipment to 'arrived - destination terminal' status. You get the same error.

Note 2: the user could potentially change the event date/time on the tracking page. I think you are already accounting for this, but please double-check. Please talk to me if you have any questions. Need to get this wrapped up ASAP.

Log Entry:
3/24/2022 7:19:17 AM
Error in: Error Message: There is no row at position 0.
at System.Data.RBTree`1.GetNodeByIndex(Int32 userIndex)
at System.Data.DataRowCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
at AirTrak.MTracking.CheckMilestoneEventDateTimeSequence(String StatusDateTime, String OrderStatusId)
at AirTrak.MTracking.submitFunction()
at AirTrak.MTracking.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 3/24/2022 7:28:31 AM NO Ray - Found another issue. Allstates TEST:

HAWB 3140045

Go into this shipment and update the POD Name, Date, Time and check the delivered box. Click submit. You get the error below.

Please fix this ASAP.

Note: the user could potentially change the event date/time on the tracking page. I think you are already accounting for this, but please double-check. Please talk to me if you have any questions. Need to get this wrapped up ASAP.

Log Entry:
3/24/2022 7:19:17 AM
Error in: Error Message: There is no row at position 0.
at System.Data.RBTree`1.GetNodeByIndex(Int32 userIndex)
at System.Data.DataRowCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
at AirTrak.MTracking.CheckMilestoneEventDateTimeSequence(String StatusDateTime, String OrderStatusId)
at AirTrak.MTracking.submitFunction()
at AirTrak.MTracking.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Nathan Palmer 3/23/2022 2:41:36 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nick Schubert 3/23/2022 1:11:24 PM NO Looks good Brian. Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Brian Cronin 3/23/2022 10:46:06 AM NO Nick - Please test and let me know how it goes. Nick Schubert Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/23/2022 10:44:40 AM NO tested with HAWB=10532

should behave as expected
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 3/22/2022 6:48:30 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/22/2022 5:38:30 PM NO Changeset 61112


This fixes:
"If the ‘Ignore Event Date/Time Sequence Logic’ flag is NOT checked on a milestone, it should ignore any milestones that do have the flag checked."
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/22/2022 5:09:10 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Nick Schubert 3/22/2022 4:13:08 PM NO Need to append some of the logic. If the ‘Ignore Event Date/Time Sequence Logic’ flag is NOT checked on a milestone, it should ignore any milestones that do have the flag checked.

Example on Allstates TEST: 3138743

If the milestone 'AF' is changed to 9:30 it currently gives an error stating that the event date/time cannot be before milestone 'AA'.

'AA' is flagged to ignore event date/time logic.
'AF' is NOT flagged.

In this example the only milestones NOT flagged to ignore the date/time logic are X3, AF, X1, and D1. Those should be the only milestones that pop-up the error message with the new logic from this ticket.


We can jump on a quick zoom call tomorrow so I can show you exactly how they want this to work.
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 3/18/2022 6:53:11 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 3/18/2022 5:55:03 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/18/2022 2:00:49 PM NO Changeset 61045


Fixes other SQL sources to include
'IgnoreEventSequenceLogic' field
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/18/2022 10:48:34 AM NO Need to update the DataAccess SQL to include the 'IgnoreEventSequenceLogic' field in the proper places. Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Nathan Palmer 3/17/2022 6:52:06 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/17/2022 6:07:21 PM NO Changeset 61033



Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/17/2022 10:21:37 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 3/17/2022 6:31:07 AM NO Ray - your latest changes were installed on Allstates TEST last week. They tested and those changes worked fine, BUT - there is a need for another change.

Please review and knock this out ASAP - #1 priority. Let me know if you have any questions.

If the control flag is on (2014), surface a flag in milestone maint called – ‘Ignore Event Date/Time Sequence Logic’. Default would be unchecked.

Milestone Maint:

If the new flag is unchecked, no change nec. to current logic.

If the new flag is checked, NEVER consider the date/time of that milestone in the milestone sequencing logic.

bill your time to the original task.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 3/9/2022 10:14:38 AM NO Should behave as expected. See TrackingPageMilestonesEventDateTime_withSeconds.PNG Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 3/8/2022 6:20:36 PM NO Merged to 12/14. Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 3/8/2022 5:50:00 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/8/2022 5:29:10 PM NO Changeset 60865

1 - adds current time seconds as the code updates. Note, the existing code with input only gets the hour/minute. Just found the easiest way to add current time seconds to the event time.

2 - that time gets refreshed as current.
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 3/8/2022 12:55:01 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 3/8/2022 12:44:18 PM NO Per our conversation: 2 issues:

1. The event date/time is not recording the seconds. Please fix.

2. If you do not leave the tracking page, the time on the milestone update page does not reflect the current server time. Please fix.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 3/7/2022 1:59:40 PM NO Ray - Please talk to me about this. There is 1 small issue, but I need to show you. Arrange a time for me to setup a zoom and show you. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Jeanne Graziano 3/2/2022 11:30:32 AM NO I think there are still issues. You can undo the milestones on this order and retry it using the same

On shipment 51963, I can stamp picked up (sequence 2) before I stamp any of the 3 coded as (sequence 1) (new, ltl, hdtest). Should this be allowed? I think the previous items that are sequence 1 would need to be stamped first. Since the date and time are blank for the 1st 3 sequenced as 1, when stamping milestone sequenced as 2, should that see the blanks in sequence 1 and not allow the milestone sequenced 2 to be stamp?

I stamped NEW and LTL. Waited about 2 minutes and then tried to stamp Picked up. I got a message stating Date & Time on milestone (new Shipment Entered-Picked up) cannot be before/same as date time of the (new Shipment) Milestone. Which the picked up milestone was not at the same time. If you try it a second time it works.

Also, since HD Test the third item at sequence 1 was blank, should picked up not be allowed until that is stamped?

I stamped NEW and LTL and HD test. Waited about 2 minutes and then tried to stamp Picked up. I got a message stating Date & Time on milestone (arrived-Picked up) cannot be before/same as date time of the (HDTEST) Milestone. Which the picked up milestone was not at the same time. If you try it a second time it works.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 3/1/2022 11:05:41 AM NO Jeanne Graziano Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 3/1/2022 11:01:54 AM NO Tested OrderNo=52002

See screenshot:

The first 3 have EventSeqNo=1
the fourth is 2.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 3/1/2022 5:50:33 AM NO Ray - Please test this out first thing today. Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 2/28/2022 8:21:21 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 2/28/2022 4:01:15 PM NO Changeset 60774
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 2/25/2022 4:04:20 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 2/25/2022 10:41:07 AM NO Ray - Per our conversation from yesterday: Please do the following:

Everything is working per the request as of right now, but they have come across something that we need to account for.

If the milestone sequence number that is being updated has another milestone with the same sequence number on the shipment in question - do NOT check the event date/time on the same milestone sequence#. Just check the ones before that sequence.

Bill your time to this ticket.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Jeanne Graziano 1/31/2022 1:56:55 PM NO Shipment 18244. Click update next to New milestone(sequence 1). It accepted it at 1/13/22 at 10:20 AM

Clicked Picked Up(Sequence 2) at 10:22. Clicked submit and got the message..."The date/time of milestone(New Shipment Entered-PickUp)Cannot be before/same as the date/time of New Shipment Milestone)

Click Cancel, Click update again next to Picked up milestone and that time it updated it.

Undo both and try the steps above.
- Not sure why I am getting that message in the first place as I think it should go through since they were in sequence.

-I can Update a milestone of Picked up before I enter NEW. I think it has to be in order.

- Also should I be able to undo a milestone of a milestone If I don't Undo the one after it in the sequence?

Testing stopped.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 1/31/2022 10:15:39 AM NO Jeanne Graziano Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/31/2022 10:10:27 AM NO Should behave as expected
"1. Tracking Page - at the top of the page where you change the status, you can specify an event date time. If you put a date/time that is before one of the other milestones, it accepts it."
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 1/31/2022 7:31:49 AM NO Ray - Please get this tested. Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 1/25/2022 5:41:34 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/25/2022 4:37:26 PM NO Changeset 60227

These fixes item 1
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Brian Cronin 1/25/2022 3:18:47 PM NO Ray - for now, fix #1 below and leave the other 2 alone - I want to discuss with you and Manisha before we do that.

1. Tracking Page - at the top of the page where you change the status, you can specify an event date time. If you put a date/time that is before one of the other milestones, it accepts it.
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Ray Ciccone 1/25/2022 2:34:40 PM NO In review of the additional mods (items 2 and 3), the MTracking page has a more code that this mod already depends on. E.g. the most complicated part is getting the milestone list to compare.

I have to copy that existing code out of MTracking and create additional functions to be used in all the page-1s and the import.
Brian Cronin Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 1/21/2022 3:50:00 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 1/21/2022 1:52:24 PM NO Installed at Allstates TEST on 01/21/2022. Found a few issues:

1. Tracking Page - at the top of the page where you change the status, you can specify an event date time. If you put a date/time that is before one of the other milestones, it accepts it.

2. Page 1 of any shipment - you can change the status on this page - the event date/time is directly underneath the status. If you put a date/time that is before one of the other milestones, it accepts it. Have to fix all page 1's.

3. Shipment Import - You can specify an event date/time here. If the status is also specified, are you invoking your logic if the mod is turned on?
Ray Ciccone Highest Re-Work
Nathan Palmer 1/17/2022 7:52:29 PM NO Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Install
Brian Cronin 1/17/2022 1:43:19 PM NO looks ok now. Nathan Palmer Highest Branch - 12/14
Ray Ciccone 1/17/2022 1:20:43 PM NO Ready for testing.
This updates to check that the milestone event date/time is indeed before and not the same as the following milestone event date/time in the list

See my previous notes from 1/14 as well.
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 1/14/2022 6:11:10 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/14/2022 1:30:19 PM NO Changeset 60063

This updates to check that the milestone event date/time is indeed before and not the same as the following milestone event date/time in the list
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 1/14/2022 10:29:55 AM NO See screenshots:
Testing HAWB=9951

Undo HD Test and then clicked update

Tried to submit for same date with 9:39

This warning message is what I expect

To contrast, I then changed time to 9:38 and it accepted.
Now, I can see where it should not allow the same date/time, and then that can be fixed.

Lastly, this mod only looks at the order of the milestone list and then attempts to check the event dates only (based on the requirement)
Jeanne Graziano Highest Questions
Ray Ciccone 1/14/2022 9:57:18 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 1/14/2022 7:16:53 AM NO Ray - Please make sure you look into this today. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Brian Cronin 1/12/2022 4:00:00 PM NO Ray - Please see Jeanne's notes and respond. Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Jeanne Graziano 1/12/2022 12:51:59 PM NO Tested with shipment 9951 and cf 2014 set to Y.

Pickup milestone stamped at 1/12/2022 at 9:38 am.
Then stamped milestone HDTest which is before pickup at 1/12/2022 at 9:39 and it allowed me to do that.
HD test is seq 1 and pick up is seq 2 so I don't think it is working because it should not have let me do HD test after I did Picked up.

Then I tried to stamp NEW which is also 1 and I got the message that it was out of sequence.

Brian any reason why 162 hours away from corporate is set to -3?
Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 1/12/2022 11:40:11 AM NO Jeanne Graziano Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/12/2022 11:06:06 AM NO Should behave as expected (no errors). Brian Cronin Highest Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 1/11/2022 6:11:16 PM NO Ray Ciccone Highest Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/11/2022 5:44:36 PM NO Changeset 60011
Nathan Palmer Highest Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 1/10/2022 10:20:41 AM NO Ray Ciccone Highest In progress
Brian Cronin 1/10/2022 10:18:57 AM NO Ray - Please see below and fix.

Trying to test with shipment 9951

Click the 'update' button on any of these milestones from the tracking page:

Selected Pick up milestone, HD test, Test APP milestone

Get this error after clicking submit:

Server Error in '/WorldTrak' Application.
Index 0 is either negative or above rows count.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 0 is either negative or above rows count.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 0 is either negative or above rows count.]
System.Data.DataView.GetRow(Int32 index) +2208040
System.Data.DataView.get_Item(Int32 recordIndex) +17
AirTrak.MTracking.CheckMilestoneEventDateTimeSequence(String StatusDateTime, String OrderStatusId) +693
AirTrak.MTracking.submitFunction() +41479
AirTrak.MTracking.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) +2038
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +11595936
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +274
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1890

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.8.4330.0
Ray Ciccone Highest Priority
Jeanne Graziano 1/10/2022 9:59:40 AM NO Trying to test with shipment 9951
Selected Pick up milestone, HD test, Test APP milestone and
Getting error
Index 0 is either negative or above rows count.

Cannot complete test.
Brian Cronin High Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 1/8/2022 4:05:26 PM NO Jeanne Graziano High Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/6/2022 10:15:36 AM NO Should work as expected from submitting on the tracking page and from the update from the milestone grid. Brian Cronin High Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 1/5/2022 5:41:21 PM NO Ray Ciccone High Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 1/5/2022 1:19:32 PM NO Changeset 59853

Tested further and this fixes more logic issues
Nathan Palmer High Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 1/5/2022 11:32:24 AM NO Found another logic glitch. Fixing now Ray Ciccone High In progress
Ray Ciccone 1/5/2022 10:09:42 AM NO Ray Ciccone High In progress
Brian Cronin 1/5/2022 10:03:36 AM NO Ray - Please get this tested. Ray Ciccone High Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 1/3/2022 3:43:57 PM NO Ray Ciccone High Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 12/20/2021 4:01:02 PM NO Note - Manisha packed up CVPortal for me for 12/14. I installed it on production. Nathan Palmer High Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 12/20/2021 3:44:06 PM NO Changeset 59681


This updates behavior (some other parts of code needed to be updated)

Also fixes MTracking1.aspx (this page had some older updates that relied on CF985=Y. When that flag is 'N', errors result. This update should not error.
Nathan Palmer High Merge to 79/162
Ray Ciccone 12/17/2021 1:39:24 PM NO In addition to this mod's behavior/functionality, for the Mtracking1 error:
"When I try this on mtracking1.aspx, I get the error below: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'PK_AdHocMilestoneId'"

I had noticed that early when I started this mod, it wasn't due to this Mod. However, I'll find out why.
Ray Ciccone High In progress
Brian Cronin 12/17/2021 12:47:09 PM NO Ray - this doesn't appear to be working.

HAWB 9621

Look at Jeanne's note below and then my note:


"Using shipment 9621 with Milestones New, LTL New and HD Test as seq 1 and picked up as sequence 2, I stamped the milestone NEW at 12:52:00. Then I clicked on Update for the Picked Up Milestone and entered an event date/Time of 12/2/2021 at 11:55 AM which is an hour earlier than the new shipment even date/time stamp.

When I try this on mtracking1.aspx, I get the error below: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'PK_AdHocMilestoneId'"

Flag 2014 is set to 'Y' on 162

I went into the same shipment. I updated 'TEST APP Milestone' milestone to have an event date before the 2 milestones that were out there. It took. It should have stopped me.
Ray Ciccone High Re-Work
Jeanne Graziano 12/2/2021 4:19:05 PM NO Using shipment 9621 with Milestones New, LTL New and HD Test as seq 1 and picked up as sequence 2, I stamped the milestone NEW at 12:52:00. Then I clicked on Update for the Picked Up Milestone and entered an event date/Time of 12/2/2021 at 11:55 AM which is an hour earlier than the new shipment even date/time stamp.

When I try this on mtracking1.aspx, I get the error below: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'PK_AdHocMilestoneId'
Brian Cronin Normal Ready For Testing
Brian Cronin 11/30/2021 8:59:50 PM NO Jeanne Graziano Normal Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 11/30/2021 3:40:04 PM NO Brian Cronin Normal Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 11/22/2021 2:49:43 PM NO Ray Ciccone Normal Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 11/19/2021 4:16:26 PM NO Changeset 59218

see script:
Nathan Palmer Normal Merge to 79/162
Brian Cronin 11/15/2021 3:52:13 PM NO assigning to Ray. Ray Ciccone Normal Open
Brian Cronin 11/15/2021 3:50:28 PM NO Brian Cronin Normal Open
Nick Schubert 11/11/2021 10:42:09 AM NO Brian Cronin Normal Open