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Brian Cronin 10/24/2020 7:20:37 AM NO Installed on EFW DEV on 10/22 Nathan Palmer High Waiting for ReleaseE
Brian Cronin 10/10/2020 7:57:23 AM NO This is a duplicate ticket to another ticket that Ray is working on. Brian Cronin High Ready For Install
Nathan Palmer 6/15/2020 7:33:54 PM NO Brian Cronin High Ready For Install
Brian Cronin 6/10/2020 12:10:33 PM NO Nathan Palmer High Branch - 12/14- EFW
Ray Ciccone 6/8/2020 5:00:42 PM NO Tested from the page-1 and the Tracking pages, entered a blank event date with an event time. Now does not enter '1900' date. Brian Cronin High Ready For Testing
Nathan Palmer 6/5/2020 5:06:23 PM NO Ray Ciccone High Ready For Testing
Ray Ciccone 6/4/2020 6:07:57 PM NO Sorry 2 changesets:
Changeset 50381

Changeset 50380

This fixes the issue of an empty 'EventDate' but with an 'EventTime'; the current date plus entered time will be entered into the tbl_TrackingNotes.
Nathan Palmer High Merge to 79/162
Brian Cronin 1/28/2020 12:58:26 PM NO need to do this today, but if the event date is left blank on page 1 - and a time is entered in the event date, we need to assume that the date is today's date when writing the tracking note and updating the milestone.

You can do the same thing on the tracking page as well, so please check the logic there as well.
Ray Ciccone High In progress
Ray Ciccone 1/28/2020 12:09:53 PM NO I had taken a couple hours in troubleshooting this:

1 - logged into the Estes production and SQL server and found the data per the provided

2 -attached some findings:

3 - Tried to debug and force it with 12/14_EFW code.

4 - From TrackingNotes, the note 'Shipment Status changed to' is the particular note that has the blank EventDate. The user 'STredway' is the user where this occurs the most.

5 - The only way I can get it do to it (local debug on my machine) - is while e.g. Domestic/ShipmentEdit.aspx -> Enter '1/1/1900' in the EventDate field; or leave that blank and just enter the time. It will put in a tracking note with 1900 and when you come back to that shipment and display tracking notes - you will then see a blank event date. Now, it looks like other users are updating that Shipment (e.g. orderNo = 4005368).

6 - Also, there is an updateMilestone call when it updates the shipment. I traced that code and it's possible that it can slip in a 1900 datetime for the eventDate in that record as well.

Brian Cronin High Questions
Ray Ciccone 1/27/2020 5:40:50 PM NO Investigating Ray Ciccone High In progress